Реализация интерактивных покупок в Интернете на C ++

Опубликовано: 5 Января, 2022

Интернет-магазины - это все о вычислении общей суммы для товаров, выбранных покупателем. В этой статье мы обсудим программу на C ++, управляемую с помощью меню, для онлайн-покупок.

Предоставляемая функциональность

  1. Пользователи смогут приобрести ноутбуки, мобильные, компьютерные курсы.
  2. Пользователи смогут добавлять элементы.
  3. Пользователи смогут уменьшить количество или удалить товар.
  4. Пользователи смогут распечатать счет.


Сначала покупателю будет показано меню. После выбора будут отображены все товары с их ценами. Затем покупатель выберет товары и выберет количество (количество товаров). Этот процесс продолжается до тех пор, пока покупка не будет завершена. Каждый раз, когда покупатель завершает свою покупку, отображаются товары, количество, стоимость и, наконец, общая сумма, подлежащая оплате.

Ниже представлена реализация вышеуказанного функционала:

C ++

// C++ program to implement the program
// that illustrates Online shopping
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
char c1, confirm_quantity;
quantity; float
int selectedNum;
double total_amount = 0;
int flag = 0;
// Stores items with their corresponding
// price
map<string, double > items = {
{ "Samsung" , 15000 },
{ "Redmi" , 12000 },
{ "Apple" , 100000 },
{ "Macbook" , 250000 },
{ "HP" , 40000 },
{ "Lenovo" , 35000 },
{ "C" , 1000 },
{ "C++" , 3000 },
{ "Java" , 4000 },
{ "Python" , 3500 }
// Stores the selected items with
// their quantity
map<string, int > selected_items;
// Function to print the bill after shopping
// is completed prints the items, quantity,
// their cost along with total amount
void printBill(map<string, double > items,
map<string, int > selected_items,
float total_amount)
cout << "Item "
<< "Quantity "
<< "Cost " ;
for ( auto j = selected_items.begin();
j != selected_items.end(); j++) {
cout << j->first << " " ;
cout << j->second << " " ;
cout << (selected_items[j->first])
* (items[j->first])
<< endl;
cout << "-----------------------"
<< "------------- " ;
cout << "Total amount: "
<< total_amount << endl;
cout << "-----------------------"
<< "------------- " ;
cout << "*****THANK YOU && HAPPY"
<< " ONLINE SHOPPING*****" ;
// Function to ask the basic details of
// any customer
void customerDetails()
cout << "Enter your name: " ;
string customer_name;
getline(cin, customer_name);
cout << "WELCOME " ;
for ( int i = 0;
i < customer_name.length();
i++) {
cout << char ( toupper (
cout << " " ;
// showMenu() is to print the
// menu to the user
void showMenu()
cout << "Menu " ;
cout << "= = = = = = = = "
<< " = = = = = " ;
cout << "1.Mobile 2.laptop 3"
<< ".Computer courses " ;
cout << "= = = = = = = = "
<< " = = = = = " ;
// Function to display the mobile products
void showMobileMenu()
cout << "- - - - - - - - - - -"
<< " - - Item Cost " ;
cout << "1.Samsung Rs.15, 000/- " ;
cout << "2.Redmi Rs.12, 000/- " ;
cout << "3.Apple Rs.1, 00, 000/- " ;
cout << "- - - - - - - - - - - - - " ;
// Function to display Laptop products
void showLaptopMenu()
cout << "- - - - - - - - - - -"
<< " - - Item Cost " ;
cout << "1.Macbook Rs.2, 00, 000/- " ;
cout << "2.HP Rs.40, 000/- " ;
cout << "3.Lenovo Rs.35, 000/- " ;
cout << "- - - - - - - - - - - - - " ;
// if the user selects computer couses,
// then courses list will be displayed
void showComputerCourseMenu()
cout << "- - - - - - - - - - "
<< " - - Item Cost " ;
cout << "1.C Rs.1, 000/- " ;
cout << "2.C++ Rs.3, 000/- " ;
cout << "3.Java Rs.4, 000/- " ;
cout << "4.Python Rs.3, 500/- " ;
cout << "- - - - - - - - - - - - - " ;
// Function to display the mobile category
void selectedMobile()
cout << "Do you wish to conti"
<< "nue?(for yes" + "press (Y/y ), "
<< " if no press other letter ): " ;
cin >> c1;
if (c1 == 'Y' || c1 == 'y' ) {
cout << "Enter respective number: " ;
cin >> selectedNum;
if (selectedNum == 1
|| selectedNum == 2
|| selectedNum == 3) {
// Selected Samsung
if (selectedNum == 1) {
cout << "selected Samsung " ;
do {
cout << "Quantity: " ;
cin >> quantity;
cout << "You have selected Samsung - "
<< quantity << endl;
cout << "Are you sure?"
<< "(for yes press (Y/y ), "
<< " if no press other letter): " ;
cin >> confirm_quantity;
} while ((confirm_quantity != 'y'
&& confirm_quantity != 'Y' )
|| (quantity < 0)
|| ( ceil (quantity) != floor (quantity)));
if (confirm_quantity == 'y'
|| confirm_quantity == 'Y' ) {
total_amount += quantity
* items[ "Samsung" ];
selected_items[ "Samsung" ] = quantity;
cout << "amount = "
<< total_amount << endl;
// Selected Redmi
if (selectedNum == 2) {
cout << "selected Redmi " ;
do {
cout << "Quantity: " ;
cin >> quantity;
cout << "You have selec"
<< "ted Redmi - "
<< quantity << endl;
cout << "Are you sure?(f"
<< "or yes press (Y/y ), "
<< " if no press other letter ): " ;
cin >> confirm_quantity;
} while ((confirm_quantity != 'y'
&& confirm_quantity != 'Y' )
|| (quantity < 0)
|| ( ceil (quantity)
!= floor (quantity)));
if (confirm_quantity == 'y'
|| confirm_quantity == 'Y' ) {
total_amount += quantity
* items[ "Redmi" ];
selected_items[ "Redmi" ] = quantity;
cout << "amount = "
<< total_amount << endl;
// Selected Apple
if (selectedNum == 3) {
cout << "You have selected Apple " ;
do {
cout << "Quantity: " ;
cin >> quantity;
cout << "You have selected"
<< " Apple - "
<< quantity
<< endl;
cout << "Are you sure?"
<< "(for yes press (Y/y )"
<< ", if no press other letter ): " ;
cin >> confirm_quantity;
} while ((confirm_quantity != 'y'
&& confirm_quantity != 'Y' )
|| (quantity < 0)
|| ( ceil (quantity)
!= floor (quantity)));
if (confirm_quantity == 'y'
|| confirm_quantity == 'Y' ) {
total_amount += quantity
* items[ "Apple" ];
selected_items[ "Apple" ] = quantity;
cout << "amount = "
<< total_amount
<< endl;
else {
flag = 1;
else {
flag = 1;
// If Laptop category is selected
void selectedLaptop()
cout << "Do you wish to continue?"
<< "(for yes press (Y/y ), "
<< "if no press other letter): " ;
cin >> c1;
if (c1 == 'Y' || c1 == 'y' ) {
cout << "Enter respective number: " ;
cin >> selectedNum;
if (selectedNum == 1
|| selectedNum == 2
|| selectedNum == 3) {
// selected Macbook
if (selectedNum == 1) {
cout << "selected Macbook " ;
do {
cout << "Quantity: " ;
cin >> quantity;
cout << "You have selected"
<< " Macbook - "
<< quantity << endl;
cout << "Are you sure?"
<< "(for yes press (Y/y ), "
<< " if no press other letter ): " ;
cin >> confirm_quantity;
} while ((confirm_quantity != 'y'
&& confirm_quantity != 'Y' )
|| (quantity < 0)
|| ( ceil (quantity)
!= floor (quantity)));
if (confirm_quantity == 'y'
|| confirm_quantity == 'Y' ) {
total_amount += quantity
* items[ "Macbook" ];
selected_items[ "Macbook" ] = quantity;
cout << "amount = "
<< total_amount
<< endl;
// selected HP
if (selectedNum == 2) {
cout << "selected HP " ;
do {
cout << "Quantity: " ;
cin >> quantity;
cout << "You have selected"
<< " HP - "
<< quantity << endl;
cout << "Are you sure?"
<< "(for yes press (Y/y ), "
<< " if no press other letter ): " ;
cin >> confirm_quantity;
} while ((confirm_quantity
!= 'y'
&& confirm_quantity != 'Y' )
|| (quantity < 0)
|| ( ceil (quantity)
!= floor (quantity)));
if (confirm_quantity == 'y'
|| confirm_quantity == 'Y' ) {
total_amount += quantity
* items[ "HP" ];
selected_items[ "HP" ] = quantity;
cout << "amount = "
<< total_amount
<< endl;
// selected Lenovo
if (selectedNum == 3) {
cout << "selected Lenovo " ;
do {
cout << "Quantity: " ;
cin >> quantity;
cout << "You have selected"
" Lenovo - "
<< quantity << endl;
cout << "Are you sure?"
<< "(for yes press (Y/y ), "
<< "if no press other letter ): " ;
cin >> confirm_quantity;
} while ((confirm_quantity != 'y'
&& confirm_quantity != 'Y' )
|| (quantity < 0)
|| ( ceil (quantity)
!= floor (quantity)));
if (confirm_quantity == 'y'
|| confirm_quantity == 'Y' ) {
total_amount += quantity
* items[ "Lenovo" ];
selected_items[ "Lenovo" ] = quantity;
cout << "amount = "
<< total_amount
<< endl;
else {
flag = 1;
else {
flag = 1;
// If computer course
// category is selected
void selectedCourses()
cout << "Do you wish to continue?"
<< "(for yes press (Y/y ), "
<< " if no press other letter ): " ;
cin >> c1;
if (c1 == 'Y' || c1 == 'y' ) {
cout << "Enter the respective number: " ;
cin >> selectedNum;
if (selectedNum == 1
|| selectedNum == 2
|| selectedNum == 3
|| selectedNum == 4) {
// selected C
if (selectedNum == 1) {
cout << "selected C Language"