Подсчет циклических перестановок, имеющих XOR с другой двоичной строкой как 0

Опубликовано: 5 Января, 2022

Учитывая две двоичные строки а также . Позволять быть набором всех циклических перестановок строки . Задача - найти сколько струн в наборе когда XORed с давать в результате.

Input: A = “101”, B = “101” 
S = {“101”, “011”, “110”} 
Only “101” XOR “101” = 0
Input: A = “111”, B = “111” 

Рекомендуется: сначала попробуйте свой подход в {IDE}, прежде чем переходить к решению.

Подход: объединить с участием так что он содержит все его циклические перестановки в виде подстрок. Теперь проблема сводится к тому, чтобы найти количество вхождений шаблона в строке которое может быть решено с использованием алгоритма Z (для поиска линейного временного шаблона).
Ниже представлена реализация описанного выше подхода:

C ++

// C++ program to find bitwise XOR between binary
// string A and all the cyclic permutations
// of binary string B
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Implementation of Z-algorithm
// for linear time pattern searching
void compute_z(string s, int z[])
int l = 0, r = 0;
int n = s.length();
for ( int i = 1; i <= n - 1; i++) {
if (i > r) {
l = i, r = i;
while (r < n && s[r - l] == s[r])
z[i] = r - l;
else {
int k = i - l;
if (z[k] < r - i + 1) {
z[i] = z[k];
else {
l = i;
while (r < n && s[r - l] == s[r])
z[i] = r - l;
// Function to get the count of the cyclic
// permutations of b that given 0 when XORed with a
int countPermutation(string a, string b)
// concatenate b with b
b = b + b;
// new b now contains all the cyclic
// permutations of old b as it's sub-strings
b = b.substr(0, b.size() - 1);
// concatenate pattern with text
int ans = 0;
string s = a + "$" + b;
int n = s.length();
// Fill z array used in Z algorithm
int z[n];
compute_z(s, z);
for ( int i = 1; i <= n - 1; i++) {
// pattern occurs at index i since
// z value of i equals pattern length
if (z[i] == a.length())
return ans;
// Driver code
int main()
string a = "101" ;
string b = "101" ;
cout << countPermutation(a, b) << endl;
return 0;


// Java program to find bitwise XOR between binary
// string A and all the cyclic permutations
// of binary string B
public class GFG{
// Implementation of Z-algorithm
// for linear time pattern searching
static void compute_z(String s, int z[])
int l = 0 , r = 0 ;
int n = s.length();
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= n - 1 ; i++) {
if (i > r) {
l = i;
r = i;
while (r < n && s.charAt(r - l) == s.charAt(r))
z[i] = r - l;
else {
int k = i - l;
if (z[k] < r - i + 1 ) {
z[i] = z[k];
else {
l = i;
while (r < n && s.charAt(r - l) == s.charAt(r))
z[i] = r - l;
// Function to get the count of the cyclic
// permutations of b that given 0 when XORed with a
static int countPermutation(String a, String b)
// concatenate b with b
b = b + b;
// new b now contains all the cyclic
// permutations of old b as it's sub-strings
b = b.substring( 0 , b.length() - 1 );
// concatenate pattern with text
int ans = 0 ;
String s = a + "$" + b;
int n = s.length();
// Fill z array used in Z algorithm
int z[] = new int [n];
compute_z(s, z);
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= n - 1 ; i++) {
// pattern occurs at index i since
// z value of i equals pattern length
if (z[i] == a.length())
return ans;
// Driver Code
public static void main(String []args){
String a = "101" ;
String b = "101" ;
System.out.println(countPermutation(a, b)) ;
// This code is contributed by ANKITRAI1


# Python 3 program to find bitwise XOR
# between binary string A and all the
# cyclic permutations of binary string B
# Implementation of Z-algorithm
# for linear time pattern searching
def compute_z(s, z):
l = 0
r = 0
n = len (s)
for i in range ( 1 , n, 1 ):
if (i > r):
l = i
r = i
while (r < n and s[r - l] = = s[r]):
r + = 1
z[i] = r - l
r - = 1
else :
k = i - l
if (z[k] < r - i + 1 ):
z[i] = z[k]
else :
l = i
while (r < n and s[r - l] = = s[r]):
r + = 1
z[i] = r - l
r - = 1
# Function to get the count of the cyclic
# permutations of b that given 0 when XORed with a
def countPermutation(a, b):
# concatenate b with b
b = b + b
# new b now contains all the cyclic
# permutations of old b as it's sub-strings
b = b[ 0 : len (b) - 1 ]
# concatenate pattern with text
ans = 0
s = a + "$" + b
n = len (s)
# Fill z array used in Z algorithm
z = [ 0 for i in range (n)]
compute_z(s, z)
for i in range ( 1 , n, 1 ):
# pattern occurs at index i since
# z value of i equals pattern length
if (z[i] = = len (a)):
ans + = 1
return ans
# Driver code
if __name__ = = '__main__' :
a = "101"
b = "101"
print (countPermutation(a, b))
# This code is contributed by
# Surendra_Gangwar

C #

// C# program to find bitwise XOR between
// binary string A and all the cyclic
// permutations of binary string B
using System;
class GFG
// Implementation of Z-algorithm
// for linear time pattern searching
public static void compute_z( string s,
int [] z)
int l = 0, r = 0;
int n = s.Length;
for ( int i = 1; i <= n - 1; i++)
if (i > r)
l = i;
r = i;
while (r < n && s[r - l] == s[r])
z[i] = r - l;
int k = i - l;
if (z[k] < r - i + 1)
z[i] = z[k];
l = i;
while (r < n && s[r - l] == s[r])
z[i] = r - l;
// Function to get the count of the
// cyclic permutations of b that
// given 0 when XORed with a
public static int countPermutation( string a,
string b)
// concatenate b with b
b = b + b;
// new b now contains all the cyclic
// permutations of old b as it's sub-strings
b = b.Substring(0, b.Length - 1);
// concatenate pattern with text
int ans = 0;
string s = a + "$" + b;
int n = s.Length;
// Fill z array used in Z algorithm
int [] z = new int [n];
compute_z(s, z);
for ( int i = 1; i <= n - 1; i++)
// pattern occurs at index i since
// z value of i equals pattern length
if (z[i] == a.Length)
return ans;
// Driver Code
public static void Main( string [] args)
string a = "101" ;
string b = "101" ;
Console.WriteLine(countPermutation(a, b));
// This code is contributed by Shrikant13


// JavaScript program to find bitwise XOR between
// binary string A and all the cyclic
// permutations of binary string B
// Implementation of Z-algorithm
// for linear time pattern searching
function compute_z(s, z) {
var l = 0,
r = 0;
var n = s.length;
for ( var i = 1; i <= n - 1; i++) {
if (i > r) {
l = i;
r = i;
while (r < n && s[r - l] === s[r]) {
z[i] = r - l;
} else {
var k = i - l;
if (z[k] < r - i + 1) {
z[i] = z[k];
} else {
l = i;
while (r < n && s[r - l] === s[r]) {
z[i] = r - l;
// Function to get the count of the
// cyclic permutations of b that
// given 0 when XORed with a
function countPermutation(a, b) {
// concatenate b with b
b = b + b;
// new b now contains all the cyclic
// permutations of old b as it's sub-strings
b = b.substring(0, b.length - 1);
// concatenate pattern with text
var ans = 0;
var s = a + "$" + b;
var n = s.length;
// Fill z array used in Z algorithm
var z = new Array(n).fill(0);
compute_z(s, z);
for ( var i = 1; i <= n - 1; i++) {
// pattern occurs at index i since
// z value of i equals pattern length
if (z[i] === a.length) {
return ans;
// Driver Code
var a = "101" ;
var b = "101" ;
document.write(countPermutation(a, b));

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