Сортировка слиянием для связанных списков в JavaScript

Опубликовано: 14 Декабря, 2021

Предварительное условие: сортировка слиянием для связанных списков

Сортировка слиянием часто предпочтительнее для сортировки связанного списка. Из-за низкой производительности произвольного доступа связанного списка некоторые другие алгоритмы (например, быстрая сортировка) работают плохо, а другие (например, heapsort) - совершенно невозможны.

В этом посте сортировка слиянием для связанного списка реализована с использованием JavaScript.


Input : 5 -> 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1
Output :1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5

Input : 10 -> 20 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1
Output : 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 10 -> 20

// Create Node of LinkedList
function Node(data) {
this .node = data;
this .next = null ;
// To initialize a linkedlist
function LinkedList(list) {
this .head = list || null
// Function to insert The new Node into the linkedList
LinkedList.prototype.insert = function (data) {
// Check if the linked list is empty
// so insert first node and lead head
// points to generic node
if ( this .head === null )
this .head = new Node(data);
else {
// If linked list is not empty, insert the node
// at the end of the linked list
let list = this .head;
while (list.next) {
list = list.next;
// Now here list pointer points to last
// node let's insert out new node in it
list.next = new Node(data)
// Function to print linkedList
LinkedList.prototype.iterate = function () {
// First we will check whether out
// linked list is empty or node
if ( this .head === null )
return null ;
// If linked list is not empty we will
// iterate from each Node and prints
// it's value store in “data” property
let list = this .head;
// we will iterate until our list variable
// contains the “Next” value of the last Node
// ie-> null
while (list) {
if (list.next)
document.write( ' -> ' )
list = list.next
// Function to mergesort a linked list
LinkedList.prototype.mergeSort = function (list) {
if (list.next === null )
list; return
let count = 0;
let countList = list
let leftPart = list;
let leftPointer = list;
let rightPart = null ;
let rightPointer = null ;
// Counting the nodes in the received linkedlist
while (countList.next !== null ) {
countList = countList.next;
// counting the mid of the linked list
let mid = Math.floor(count / 2)
let count2 = 0;
// separating the left and right part with
// respect to mid node in tke linked list
while (count2 < mid) {
leftPointer = leftPointer.next;
rightPart = new LinkedList(leftPointer.next);
leftPointer.next = null ;
// Here are two linked list which
// contains the left most nodes and right
// most nodes of the mid node
return this ._mergeSort( this .mergeSort(leftPart),
this .mergeSort(rightPart.head))
// Merging both lists in sorted manner
LinkedList.prototype._mergeSort = function (left, right) {
// Create a new empty linked list
let result = new LinkedList()
let resultPointer = result.head;
let pointerLeft = left;
let pointerRight = right;
// If true then add left most node value in result,
// increment left pointer else do the same in
// right linked list.
// This loop will be executed until pointer's of
// a left node or right node reached null
while (pointerLeft && pointerRight) {
let tempNode = null ;
// Check if the right node's value is greater than
// left node's value
if (pointerLeft.node > pointerRight.node) {
tempNode = pointerRight.node
pointerRight = pointerRight.next;
else {
tempNode = pointerLeft.node
pointerLeft = pointerLeft.next;
if (result.head == null ) {
result.head = new Node(tempNode)
resultPointer = result.head
else {
resultPointer.next = new Node(tempNode)
resultPointer = resultPointer.next
// Add the remaining elements in the last of resultant
// linked list
resultPointer.next = pointerLeft;
while (resultPointer.next)
resultPointer = resultPointer.next
resultPointer.next = pointerRight
// Result is the new sorted linked list
return result.head;
// Initialize the object
let l = new LinkedList();
// Print the linked list
// Sort the linked list
l.head = LinkedList.prototype.mergeSort(l.head)
document.write('<br> After sorting : ');
// Print the sorted linked list


10 -> 20 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1
После сортировки: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 10 -> 20