Панарифмические числа в заданном диапазоне

Опубликовано: 5 Января, 2022

Даны два положительных числа A и B. Задача - распечатать все

Panarithmic Numberbetween two numbers (inclusively). 
Panarithmic Numbers or Practical number is a positive integer N such that all positive integers smaller than N can be represented as sums of distinct divisors of N
For Example:, 12 is a practical number because all the numbers from 1 to 11 can be expressed as sums of its divisors 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 { 5 = 3 + 2, 7 = 6 + 1, 8 = 6 + 2, 9 = 6 + 3, 10 = 6 + 3 + 1, 11 = 6 + 3 + 2}


Input: A = 1 B = 20 
Output: 1 2 4 6 8 12 16 18 20 
There are 9 Practical Numbers and these are the numbers whose factors can represent all the number smaller than it. 
For e.g. 4. Factors of 4 are 1 and 2. 
The number 3 can be represented as 1+2 = 3. 

Input: A = 100 B = 150 
Output: 100 104 108 112 120 126 128 132 140 144 150 

Рекомендуется: сначала попробуйте свой подход в {IDE}, прежде чем переходить к решению.


  1. Итерировать от A до B (включительно).
  2. Проверьте для каждого числа, является ли это практическим числом.
  3. Вычислите и сохраните множители каждого числа в [A, B] один за другим и проверьте, все ли числа, меньшие соответствующих чисел, могут быть выражены как сумма множителей.

Ниже представлена реализация описанного выше подхода:

C ++

// C++ program to print Practical
// Numbers in given range
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// function to compute divisors
// of a number
vector< int > get_divisors( int A)
// vector to store divisors
vector< int > ans;
// 1 will always be a divisor
for ( int i = 2; i <= sqrt (A); i++) {
if (A % i == 0) {
// check if i is squareroot
// of A then only one time
// insert it in ans
if ((i * i) != A)
ans.push_back(A / i);
return ans;
// function to check that a
// number can be represented as
// sum of distinct divisor or not
bool Sum_Possible(vector< int > set, int sum)
int n = set.size();
// The value of subset[i][j]
// will be true if
// there is a subset of
// set[0..j-1] with sum
// equal to i
bool subset[n + 1][sum + 1];
// If sum is 0, then answer is true
for ( int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
subset[i][0] = true ;
// If sum is not 0 and set is empty,
// then answer is false
for ( int i = 1; i <= sum; i++)
subset[0][i] = false ;
// Fill the subset table
// in bottom up manner
for ( int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
for ( int j = 1; j <= sum; j++) {
if (j < set[i - 1])
subset[i][j] = subset[i - 1][j];
if (j >= set[i - 1])
= subset[i - 1][j]
|| subset[i - 1]
[j - set[i - 1]];
// return the possibility
// of given sum
return subset[n][sum];
// function to check a number is
// Practical or not
bool Is_Practical( int A)
// vector to store divisors
vector< int > divisors;
divisors = get_divisors(A);
for ( int i = 2; i < A; i++) {
if (Sum_Possible(divisors, i) == false )
return false ;
// if all numbers can be
// represented as sum of
// unique divisors
return true ;
// function to print Practical
// Numbers in a range
void print_practica_No( int A, int B)
for ( int i = A; i <= B; i++) {
if (Is_Practical(i) == true ) {
cout << i << " " ;
// Driver Function
int main()
int A = 1, B = 100;
print_practica_No(A, B);
return 0;


// Java program to print practical
// Numbers in given range
import java.util.*;
import java.math.*;
class GFG{
// Function to compute divisors
// of a number
static ArrayList<Integer> get_divisors( int A)
// Vector to store divisors
ArrayList<Integer> ans = new ArrayList<>();
// 1 will always be a divisor
ans.add( 1 );
for ( int i = 2 ; i <= Math.sqrt(A); i++)
if (A % i == 0 )
// Check if i is squareroot
// of A then only one time
// insert it in ans
if ((i * i) != A)
ans.add(A / i);
return ans;
// Function to check that a
// number can be represented as
// sum of distinct divisor or not
static boolean Sum_Possible(ArrayList<Integer> set,
int sum)
int n = set.size();
// The value of subset[i][j]
// will be true if there is
// a subset of set[0..j-1]
// with sum equal to i
boolean subset[][] = new boolean [n + 1 ][sum + 1 ];
// If sum is 0, then answer is true
for ( int i = 0 ; i <= n; i++)
subset[i][ 0 ] = true ;
// If sum is not 0 and set is empty,
// then answer is false
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= sum; i++)
subset[ 0 ][i] = false ;
// Fill the subset table
// in bottom up manner
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= n; i++)
for ( int j = 1 ; j <= sum; j++)
if (j < set.get(i - 1 ))
subset[i][j] = subset[i - 1 ][j];
if (j >= set.get(i - 1 ))
subset[i][j] = subset[i - 1 ][j] ||
subset[i - 1 ][j -
set.get(i - 1 )];
// Return the possibility
// of given sum
return subset[n][sum];
// Function to check a number is
// Practical or not
static boolean Is_Practical( int A)
// Vector to store divisors
ArrayList<Integer> divisors;
divisors = get_divisors(A);
for ( int i = 2 ; i < A; i++)
if (Sum_Possible(divisors, i) == false )
return false ;
// If all numbers can be
// represented as sum of
// unique divisors
return true ;
// Function to print Practical
// Numbers in a range
static void print_practica_No( int A, int B)
for ( int i = A; i <= B; i++)
if (Is_Practical(i) == true )
System.out.print(i + " " );
// Driver Code
public static void main(String args[])
int A = 1 , B = 100 ;
print_practica_No(A, B);
// This code is contributed by jyoti369


# Python3 program to print Practical
# Numbers in given range
import math
# Function to compute divisors
# of a number
def get_divisors(A):
# Vector to store divisors
ans = []
# 1 will always be a divisor
ans.append( 1 )
for i in range ( 2 , math.floor(math.sqrt(A)) + 1 ):
if (A % i = = 0 ):
# Check if i is squareroot
# of A then only one time
# insert it in ans
if ((i * i) ! = A):
ans.append(A / / i)
return ans
# Function to check that a
# number can be represented as
# summ of distinct divisor or not
def summ_Possible(sett, summ):
n = len (sett)
# The value of subsett[i][j] will
# be True if there is a subsett of
# sett[0..j-1] with summ equal to i
subsett = [[ 0 for i in range (summ + 1 )]
for j in range (n + 1 )]
# If summ is 0, then answer is True
for i in range (n + 1 ):
subsett[i][ 0 ] = True
# If summ is not 0 and sett is empty,
# then answer is False
for i in range ( 1 , summ + 1 ):
subsett[ 0 ][i] = False
# Fill the subsett table
# in bottom up manner
for i in range (n + 1 ):
for j in range (summ + 1 ):
if (j < sett[i - 1 ]):
subsett[i][j] = subsett[i - 1 ][j]
if (j > = sett[i - 1 ]):
subsett[i][j] = (subsett[i - 1 ][j] or
subsett[i - 1 ]
[j - sett[i - 1 ]])
# Return the possibility
# of given summ
return subsett[n][summ]
# Function to check a number
# is Practical or not
def Is_Practical(A):
# Vector to store divisors
divisors = []
divisors = get_divisors(A)
for i in range ( 2 , A):
if (summ_Possible(divisors, i) = = False ):
return False
# If all numbers can be
# represented as summ of
# unique divisors
return True
# Function to prPractical
# Numbers in a range
def print_practica_No(A, B):
for i in range (A, B + 1 ):
if (Is_Practical(i) = = True ):
print (i, end = " " )
# Driver code
A = 1
B = 100
print_practica_No(A, B)
# This code is contributed by shubhamsingh10

C #

// C# program to print practical
// Numbers in given range
using System;
using System.Collections;
class GFG{
// Function to compute divisors
// of a number
static ArrayList get_divisors( int A)
// To store divisors
ArrayList ans = new ArrayList();
// 1 will always be a divisor
for ( int i = 2;
i <= ( int )Math.Sqrt(A);
if (A % i == 0)
// Check if i is squareroot
// of A then only one time
// insert it in ans
if ((i * i) != A)
ans.Add(A / i);
return ans;
// Function to check that a
// number can be represented as
// sum of distinct divisor or not
static bool Sum_Possible(ArrayList set ,
int sum)
int n = set .Count;
// The value of subset[i][j]
// will be true if
// there is a subset of
// set[0..j-1] with sum
// equal to i
bool [,]subset = new bool [n + 1, sum + 1];
// If sum is 0, then answer is true
for ( int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
subset[i, 0] = true ;
// If sum is not 0 and set is empty,
// then answer is false
for ( int i = 1; i <= sum; i++)
subset[0, i] = false ;
// Fill the subset table
// in bottom up manner
for ( int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
for ( int j = 1; j <= sum; j++)
if (j < ( int ) set [i - 1])
subset[i, j] = subset[i - 1, j];
if (j >= ( int ) set [i - 1])
subset[i, j] = subset[i - 1, j] ||
subset[i - 1, j -
( int ) set [i - 1]];
// Return the possibility
// of given sum
return subset[n, sum];
// Function to check a number is
// Practical or not
static bool Is_Practical( int A)
// To store divisors
ArrayList divisors = new ArrayList();
divisors = get_divisors(A);
for ( int i = 2; i < A; i++)
if (Sum_Possible(divisors, i) == false )
return false ;
// If all numbers can be
// represented as sum of
// unique divisors
return true ;
// Function to print Practical
// Numbers in a range
static void print_practica_No( int A, int B)
for ( int i = A; i <= B; i++)
if (Is_Practical(i) == true )