Объединить два BST с постоянным дополнительным пространством

Опубликовано: 13 Января, 2022

Учитывая два дерева двоичного поиска (BST), распечатайте элементы обоих BST в отсортированном виде.
Примечание : у обоих BST не будет общего элемента.


Первый BST : 
   1 5
Второй BST :
2 6
Выход : 1 2 3 4 5 6

Вход :
Первый BST : 
        2 10
Второй BST : 
Выход : 0 1 2 3 5 8 10
Рекомендуется: сначала попробуйте свой подход в {IDE}, прежде чем переходить к решению.

Идея состоит в том, чтобы использовать тот факт, что крайний левый элемент (первый при обходе по порядку) дерева является наименьшим элементом в BST. Итак, мы вычисляем это значение для обоих деревьев и печатаем меньшее, теперь мы удаляем этот напечатанный элемент из соответствующего дерева и обновляем его. Затем мы рекурсивно вызываем нашу функцию с обновленным деревом. Делаем так до тех пор, пока одно из деревьев не истощится. Теперь мы просто печатаем обход другого дерева в порядке.

Below is the implementation of above approach: 


// C++ implementation of above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Structure of a BST Node
class Node {
    int data;
    Node* left;
    Node* right;
    Node(int x)
        data = x;
        left = right = NULL;
// A utility function to print
// Inorder traversal of a Binary Tree
void inorder(Node* root)
    if (root != NULL) {
        cout << root->data << " ";
// The function to print data
// of two BSTs in sorted order
void merge(Node* root1, Node* root2)
    // Base cases
    if (!root1 && !root2)
    // If the first tree is exhausted
    // simply print the inorder
    // traversal of the second tree
    if (!root1) {
    // If second tree is exhausted
    // simply print the inoreder
    // traversal of the first tree
    if (!root2) {
    // A temporary pointer currently
    // pointing to root of first tree
    Node* temp1 = root1;
    // previous pointer to store the
    // parent of temporary pointer
    Node* prev1 = NULL;
    // Traverse through the first tree until you reach
    // the leftmost element, which is the first element
    // of the tree in the inorder traversal.
    // This is the least element of the tree
    while (temp1->left) {
        prev1 = temp1;
        temp1 = temp1->left;
    // Another temporary pointer currently
    // pointing to root of second tree
    Node* temp2 = root2;
    // Previous pointer to store the
    // parent of second temporary pointer
    Node* prev2 = NULL;
    // Traverse through the second tree until you reach
    // the leftmost element, which is the first element of
    // the tree in inorder traversal.
    // This is the least element of the tree.
    while (temp2->left) {
        prev2 = temp2;
        temp2 = temp2->left;
    // Compare the least current least
    // elements of both the tree
    if (temp1->data <= temp2->data) {
        // If first tree"s element is smaller print it
        cout << temp1->data << " ";
        // If the node has no parent, that
        // means this node is the root
        if (prev1 == NULL) {
            // Simply make the right
            // child of the root as new root
            merge(root1->right, root2);
        // If node has a parent
        else {
            // As this node is the leftmost node,
            // it is certain that it will not have
            // a let child so we simply assign this
            // node"s right pointer, which can be
            // either null or not, to its parent"s left
            // pointer. This statement is
            // just doing the task of deleting the node
            prev1->left = temp1->right;
            // recursively call the merge
            // function with updated tree
            merge(root1, root2);
    else {
        cout << temp2->data << " ";
        // If the node has no parent, that
        // means this node is the root
        if (prev2 == NULL) {
            // Simply make the right child
            // of root as new root
            merge(root1, root2->right);
        // If node has a parent
        else {
            prev2->left = temp2->right;
            // Recursively call the merge
            // function with updated tree
            merge(root1, root2);
// Driver Code
int main()
    Node *root1 = NULL, *root2 = NULL;
    root1 = new Node(3);
    root1->left = new Node(1);
    root1->right = new Node(5);
    root2 = new Node(4);
    root2->left = new Node(2);
    root2->right = new Node(6);
    // Print sorted nodes of both trees
    merge(root1, root2);
    return 0;


// Java implementation of above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Structure of a BST Node
static class Node
    int data;
    Node left;
    Node right;
static Node newNode(int num)
    Node temp = new Node();
    temp.data = num;
    temp.left = temp.right = null;
    return temp;
// A utility function to print
// Inorder traversal of a Binary Tree
static void inorder(Node root)
    if (root != null)
        System.out.print(root.data + " ");
// The function to print data
// of two BSTs in sorted order
static void merge(Node root1, Node root2)
    // Base cases
    if (root1 == null && root2 == null)
    // If the first tree is exhausted
    // simply print the inorder
    // traversal of the second tree
    if (root1 == null)
    // If second tree is exhausted
    // simply print the inoreder
    // traversal of the first tree
    if (root2 == null)
    // A temporary pointer currently
    // pointing to root of first tree
    Node temp1 = root1;
    // previous pointer to store the
    // parent of temporary pointer
    Node prev1 = null;
    // Traverse through the first tree
    // until you reach the leftmost element,
    // which is the first element of the tree
    // in the inorder traversal.
    // This is the least element of the tree
    while (temp1.left != null)
        prev1 = temp1;
        temp1 = temp1.left;
    // Another temporary pointer currently
    // pointing to root of second tree
    Node temp2 = root2;
    // Previous pointer to store the
    // parent of second temporary pointer
    Node prev2 = null;
    // Traverse through the second tree
    // until you reach the leftmost element,
    // which is the first element of
    // the tree in inorder traversal.
    // This is the least element of the tree.
    while (temp2.left != null)
        prev2 = temp2;
        temp2 = temp2.left;
    // Compare the least current least
    // elements of both the tree
    if (temp1.data <= temp2.data)
        // If first tree"s element is
        // smaller print it
        System.out.print(temp1.data + " ");
        // If the node has no parent, that
        // means this node is the root
        if (prev1 == null)
            // Simply make the right
            // child of the root as new root
            merge(root1.right, root2);
        // If node has a parent
            // As this node is the leftmost node,
            // it is certain that it will not have
            // a let child so we simply assign this
            // node"s right pointer, which can be
            // either null or not, to its parent"s left
            // pointer. This statement is
            // just doing the task of deleting the node
            prev1.left = temp1.right;
            // recursively call the merge
            // function with updated tree
            merge(root1, root2);
        System.out.print(temp2.data + " ");
        // If the node has no parent, that
        // means this node is the root
        if (prev2 == null)
            // Simply make the right child
            // of root as new root
            merge(root1, root2.right);
        // If node has a parent
            prev2.left = temp2.right;
            // Recursively call the merge
            // function with updated tree
            merge(root1, root2);
// Driver Code
public static void main(String args[])
    Node root1 = null, root2 = null;
    root1 = newNode(3);
    root1.left = newNode(1);
    root1.right = newNode(5);
    root2 = newNode(4);
    root2.left = newNode(2);
    root2.right = newNode(6);
    // Print sorted nodes of both trees
    merge(root1, root2);
// This code is contributed by ipg2016107


# Python3 implementation of above approach
# Node of the binary tree
class node:
    def __init__ (self, key):
        self.data = key
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
# A utility function to print
# Inorder traversal of a Binary Tree
def inorder(root):
    if (root != None):
        print(root.data, end = " ")
# The function to print data
# of two BSTs in sorted order
def merge(root1, root2):
    # Base cases
    if (not root1 and not root2):
    # If the first tree is exhausted
    # simply print the inorder
    # traversal of the second tree
    if (not root1):
    # If second tree is exhausted
    # simply print the inoreder
    # traversal of the first tree
    if (not root2):
    # A temporary pointer currently
    # pointing to root of first tree
    temp1 = root1
    # previous pointer to store the
    # parent of temporary pointer
    prev1 = None
    # Traverse through the first tree
    # until you reach the leftmost
    # element, which is the first element
    # of the tree in the inorder traversal.
    # This is the least element of the tree
    while (temp1.left):
        prev1 = temp1
        temp1 = temp1.left
    # Another temporary pointer currently
    # pointing to root of second tree
    temp2 = root2
    # Previous pointer to store the
    # parent of second temporary pointer
    prev2 = None
    # Traverse through the second tree
    # until you reach the leftmost element,
    # which is the first element of the