Создайте страницу "О нас" с помощью HTML и CSS

Опубликовано: 5 Января, 2022

Создание привлекательной страницы может показаться трудным для тех, кто не знает HTML и CSS. Если кто-то не умеет использовать CSS, он не сможет сделать страницу лучше или привлекательнее. Таким образом, основное внимание в этой статье будет уделено реализации CSS.

Создание структуры : в этом разделе мы создадим простую структуру веб-страницы, используя некоторые теги, такие как <li> и <section>. Таким образом, это поможет нам создать простую веб-страницу, которую мы можем проверить, запустив следующий код:


<!DOCTYPE html>
< html >
< head >
< title >About us Page</ title >
< link rel = "stylesheet" href =
integrity =
crossorigin = "anonymous" >
integrity =
crossorigin = "anonymous" >
</ script >
< script src =
integrity =
crossorigin = "anonymous" >
</ script >
< script src =
integrity =
crossorigin = "anonymous" >
</ script >
</ head >
< body >
< nav class = "navbar background" >
< ul class = "nav-list" >
< div class = "logo" >< img src = "" ></ div >
< li >< a href = "#Home" >Home</ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = "#Food" >Food</ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = "#AboutUs" >AboutUs</ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = "#ContactUs" >Contact Us</ a ></ li >
</ ul >
< div class = "rightNav" >
< input type = "text" name = "search" id = "search" >
< button class = "btn btn-sm" >Search</ button >
</ div >
</ nav >
< section class = "background firstsection" >
< div class = "box-main" >
< div class = "firstHalf" >
< p class = "text-big" >About US</ p >
< p class = "text-small" >
Here you will get to know the team
members of our company
</ p >
< br >
< p class = "center" >< a href = "#Order"
style = "text-decoration:none;color:white;" >
Below are the people who
works in our company</ a >
</ p >
</ div >
</ div >
</ section >
< section class = "service" >
< h1 class = "h-primary center" style =
"margin-top:30px;text-align:center;" >
Our Team
</ h1 >
< div id = "service" >
< div class = "box" >
< img src =
alt = "picture not displayed" >
< br >
< p class = "center" >
< a href = "#xyz"
font-weight:bold;font-family: 'Langar', cursive;">
</ a >
</ p >
< br >
< p >CEO and the Founder</ p >
</ div >
< div class = "box" >
< img src =
alt = "picture not displayed" >
< br >
< p class = "center" >
< a href = "#abc"
font-weight:bold;font-family: 'Langar', cursive;">
</ a >
</ p >
< br >
< p >co-founder</ p >
< br >
< p >You can contact him: -</ p >
< p >Foodscalablility@gmail.com</ p >
</ div >
</ div >
</ section >
< section class = "services" >
< div id = "services" >
< div class = "box" >
< img src =
alt = "picture not displayed" >
< br >
< p class = "center" >
< a href = "#xyz" style="text-decoration:none;
font-family: 'Langar', cursive;">
</ a >
</ p >
< br >
< p >Food Manager of the company </ p >
</ div >
</ div >
</ section >
< footer class = "background" >
< p class = "text-footer" >
Copyright -All rights are reserved
</ p >
</ footer >
</ body >
</ html >

CSS-дизайн: мы будем использовать CSS для разработки простой интерфейсной страницы. Здесь интересная часть создания этой страницы - использование одного и того же фона для панели навигации и фона веб-страницы. В нижнем колонтитуле мы также будем использовать тот же фон, используя класс, который мы использовали для предоставления фоновых изображений веб-странице и панели навигации. Еще один интересный аспект веб-страницы заключается в том, что панель навигации фиксируется в одной точке, поэтому, когда пользователь будет прокручивать веб-страницу, он обнаружит, что панель навигации зафиксирована в одном месте.


margin : 0 ;
padding : 0 ;
--navbar- height : 59px ;
/* This is for the logo of the company */
width : 20% ;
/* It is used to make the logo to
be displayed along with the ul
list horizontally */
display :flex;
justify- content : center ;
align-items: center ;
.logo img{
width : 33% ;
/* The logo image will have a border,
that has a width of 2px and the color
of the border is white */
border : 2px solid white ;
/* Now we will add a border radius of
5px to make the logo image circular */
border-radius: 50px ;
/* To make all those logo image and the
list to be displayed horizontally */
display :flex;
align-items: center ;
justify- content : center ;
position :sticky;
top : 0 ;
/* When we will take our mouse to those
lists or image the cursor will be pointer */
cursor : pointer ;
width : 70% ;
/* It is to display the list in horizontal */
display :flex;
.nav-list li{
/* This will remove the style of bulleted list */
list-style : none ;
/* This will create a space between the items */
padding : 2px 6px ;
.nav-list li a{
/* This is to remove the underline of the
text that appears when we use the anchor tag */
text-decoration : none ;
/* This is to display the color of
those anchor text white */
color : white ;
/* When the user will point their mouse towards
any anchor text they will find a different color */
.nav-list li a:hover{
color :grey;
width : 50 ;
/* We will find the search box along with
the search button will be shifted to right */
text-align : right ;
padding : 5px ;
/* The size of the font that will be appearing
in the search box when the user will try to
search something */
font-size : 17px ;
/* The border of the search box has a width
of 2px and the type of the border is solid.
The color of the border will be grey */
border : 2px solid grey;
/* We will use a border-radius to make the
search box give a better looking shape than
rectangular shape */
border-radius: 9px ;
/* The background image will change whenever
we load the page */
background : grey;
/* This will make the background that have
been added will be darken */
background- size :cover;
/* It is to make the height of the
viewport to be 100 */
height : 100 vh;
/* This is to display the contact us and the
sentences below it to be displayed in flex */
display :flex;
justify- content : center ;
align-items: center ;
/* This is to display the text to have
a color of white */
color : white ;
max-width : 50% ;
/* Now we will set the margin to auto */
/* This will make all the text to be
displayed at the center of the page */
margin : auto ;
/* This will make the text to display at
the center of the page vertically */
height : 80% ;
width : 75% ;
display :flex;
/* It is to specify the direction of
the flexible items */
flex- direction :column;
justify- content : center
.firstHalf img{
display :flex;
border-radius: 9050px ;
/* This is used to make the text to
appear bigger */
/* Now we have used a font here to distinguish
itself from the next text */
font-family : 'Piazzolla' , serif ;
/* The text to have a style of bold */
font-weight : bold ;
/* The size of the text to be appearing as
bigger to distinguish itself from the text
in the class text-small */
font-size : 41px ;
/* The text to be aligned at center */
text-align : center ;
.text- small {
font-family : 'Sansita Swashed' , cursive ;
font-size : 18px ;
text-align : center ;
margin : 34px ;
display :flex;
#service .box{
/* This is for the background of the box
to make all the boxes seperatable from
each other */
padding : 300px ;
margin : 3px 6px ;
/* To make the box have a better looking
than rectangular shape */
border-radius: 28px ;
/* This is for the image that we have
used in the box */
#service .box img{
margin-top : 20px ;
/* This is for the height of the image
that is required for the page */
height : 150px ;
margin : auto ;
display : block ;
/* This is to make the image obtain<