Класс Java.io.PushbackReader в Java

Опубликовано: 15 Февраля, 2022

java.io.PushbackReader - это класс считывателя потока символов, который позволяет помещать символы обратно в поток.


открытый класс PushbackReader
   расширяет FilterReader


  • PushbackReader (Reader push): создает новый Pushback Reader - «push» с символьным буфером Pushback.
  • PushbackReader (Reader push, int size): Создает новое средство чтения Pushback с буфером Pushback определенного размера.

Методы класса PushbackReader:

  • read() : java.io.PushbackReader.read() reads a single character.
    Syntax :
    public int read()
    Parameters :
    Return : 
    reads single character from the Pushback buffer 
    else, -1 i.e. when end of file is reached.
    Exception :
    ->  IOException : If I/O error occurs.
  • read(char[] carray, int offset, int maxlen) : java.io.PushbackReader.read(char[] carray, int offset, int maxlen) reads some portion of the character array
    Syntax :
    public int read(char[] carray, int offset, int maxlen)
    Parameters :
    carray : destination buffer to be read into
    offset : starting position of the carray
    maxlen : maximum no. of characters to be read
    Return : 
    reads some portion of the character array
    else, -1 i.e. when end of file is reached.
    Exception :
    ->  IOException : If I/O error occurs.
  • close() : java.io.PushbackReader.close() closes the PushbackReader and releases system resources associated with this stream to Garbage Collector.
    Syntax :
    public void close()
    Parameters :
    Return : 
    Exception :
    ->  IOException : If I/O error occurs.
  • mark(int arg) : java.io.PushbackReader.mark(int arg) marks the current position of the PushbackReader. In case of PushbackReader, this method always throws an exception.
    Syntax :
    public void mark(int arg)
    Parameters :
    arg : integer specifying the read limit of the Stream
    Return : 
  • skip(long char) : java.io.PushbackReader.skip(long char) skips and discards ‘char’ no. of characters from PushbackReader data.
    Syntax :
    public long skip(long char)
    Parameters : 
    char : no. of bytes of PushbackReader data to skip.
    Return : 
    no. of bytes to be skipped
    -> IOException : in case I/O error occurs
  • reset() : java.io.PushbackReader.reset() is invoked by mark() method. It repositions the PushbackReader to the marked position. In case of PushbackReader, this method always throws an exception.
    Syntax :
    public void reset()
    Parameters :
    Return : 
    Exception :
    ->  IOException : If I/O error occurs.
  • markSupported() : java.io.PushbackReader.markSupported() Tells whether this stream supports the mark() operation, which it does not.
    Syntax :
    public boolean markSupported()
    Parameters :
    Return : 
    true if PushbackReader supports the mark() method  else,false
  • ready() : java.io.PushbackReader.ready() tells whether the stream is ready to be read or not
    Syntax :

    public boolean ready()
    Parameters :
    Return : 
    true if the stream is ready to be read else,false
  • unread(int char) : java.io.PushbackReader.unread(int char) pushes a single character to Pushback buffer. The next character to be read will have (char)char value, after this method returns.

    Syntax :

    public void unread(int char)
    Parameters :
    char : int value of the character to be pushed back
    Return : 
    Exception :
    ->  IOException : If I/O error occurs or Pushback buffer is full.
  • unread(char[] carray) : java.io.PushbackReader.unread(char[] carray) pushes an array of character to Pushback buffer. The array being pushed will have its index starting from 0.
    Syntax :
    public void unread(char[] carray)
    Parameters :
    carray : character array to be pushed back
    Return : 
    Exception :
    ->  IOException : If I/O error occurs or Pushback buffer is full.

    Java code explaining the PushbackReader method : read(char[] carray), close(), markSupported(), read(), mark(), ready(), skip(), unread()

    // Java program illustrating the working of PushbackReader
    // read(char[] carray), close(), markSupported()
    // read(), mark(), ready(), skip(), unread()
    import java.io.*;
    public class NewClass
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
                // Initializing a StringReader and PushbackReader
                String s = "GeeksForGeeks";
                StringReader str_reader = new StringReader(s);
                PushbackReader geek_pushReader1 = new PushbackReader(str_reader);
                PushbackReader geek_pushReader2 = new PushbackReader(str_reader);
                // Use of ready() method :
                System.out.println("Is stream1 ready : " + geek_pushReader1.ready());
                System.out.println("Is stream2 ready : " + geek_pushReader2.ready());
                // Use of read() :
                System.out.println(" We have used skip() method in 1 : ");
                System.out.print(" Use of read() in 1 : ");
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    char c = (char) geek_pushReader1.read();
                    // Use of skip() :
                // USing read() :
                char[] carray = new char[20];
                System.out.println("Using read() in 2 : " + geek_pushReader2.read(carray));
                // USe of markSupported() :
       System.out.println(" Is mark supported in 1  : " + geek_pushReader1.markSupported());
                // read the next char, which is the one we unread
                char c3 = (char) geek_pushReader2.read();
                System.out.println("USe of unread() : " + c3);
                // USe of mark() :
                // Use of close() :
            catch (IOException excpt)
                System.out.println("mark not supported in 1");

    Output :

    Is stream1 ready : true
    Is stream2 ready : true
    We have used skip() method in 1 : 
    Use of read() in 1 : GesoGe
    Using read() in 2 : 1
    Is mark supported in 1 : false
    USe of unread() : F
    mark not supported in 1

    This article is contributed by Mohit Gupta . If you like GeeksforGeeks and would like to contribute, you can also write an article using contribute.geeksforgeeks.org or mail your article to contribute@geeksforgeeks.org. See your article appearing on the GeeksforGeeks main page and help other Geeks.

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