Как создать базовый проект с помощью MVT в Django?

Опубликовано: 25 Февраля, 2022

Предварительное условие - структура MVT проекта Django

Предполагая, что вы прочитали предыдущую статью. В этой статье основное внимание уделяется созданию базового проекта для рендеринга шаблона с использованием архитектуры MVT. Мы будем использовать MVT (модели, представления, шаблоны) для рендеринга данных на локальный сервер.

Create a basic Project:

  • To initiate a project of Django on Your PC, open Terminal and Enter the following command
    django-admin startproject projectName
  • A New Folder with name projectName will be created. To enter in the project using terminal enter command
    cd projectName
  • Create a new file views.py inside the project folder where settings.py, urls.py and other files are stored and save the following code in it-
    # HttpResponse is used to
    # pass the information 
    # back to view
    from django.http import HttpResponse
    # Defining a function which
    # will receive request and
    # perform task depending 
    # upon function definition
    def hello_geek (request) :
        # This will return Hello Geeks
        # string as HttpResponse
        return HttpResponse("Hello Geeks")

  • Open urls.py inside project folder (projectName) and add your entry-
    • Import hello_geek function from views.py file.
      from projectName.views import hello_geeks

    • Add an entry in url field inside url patterns-
      path("geek/", hello_geek), 

  • Now to run the server follow these steps-
    • Open command prompt and change directory to env_site by this command-
      $ cd env_site
    • Go to Script directory inside env_site and activate virtual environment-
      $ cd Script
      $ activate
    • Return to the env_site directory and goto the project directory-
      $ cd ..
      $ cd geeks_site
    • Start the server- Start the server by typing following command in cmd-
      $ python manage.py runserver

      Note- Take the help of previous django article if any issue arises in starting the server.

  • Checking – Open the browser and type this url-

    Bingo…!! You are done with creating and rendering a basic Project.

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Django Project MVT Structure
How to Create an App in Django ?
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  • Django-basics
  • Python Django
  • Python
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