Как получить координату экрана в Python Turtle?

Опубликовано: 16 Марта, 2022

Turtle - это специальная функция в Python, которая содержит графическую библиотеку. В этой статье мы узнаем, как получить координату экрана в Python Turtle.

Turtle has many built in function to create this program we use following.

import turtle –> This is the python library which allow us to access turtle library.

Turtle()–> This Method is used to make object.

onscreenclick(functionname,1) –> This is turtle function which sends the coordinate  to function; 1 is for left click and 3 is for Right click

speed()–> This is used to increse or decrease the speed of turtle pointer.

listen()–> This allows the server to listen to incoming connections.

done()–> This is used to hold the the screen.   


# turtle library
import turtle 
#This to make turtle object
# self defined function to print coordinate
def buttonclick(x,y): 
    print("You clicked at this coordinate({0},{1})".format(x,y))
 #onscreen function to send coordinate
turtle.listen()  # listen to incoming connections
turtle.speed(10) # set the speed
turtle.done()    # hold the screen


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Draw Color Filled Shapes in Turtle - Python
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